U.S. Hemp Brokerage LLC

U.S. Hemp Brokerage LLC

We are very pleased to introduce the U.S. Hemp Brokerage LLC, which will quickly become the leading professional services firm in the wholesale brokerage hemp market. 

The founder of USHB, is Jeffrey Cole, a leading expert in the cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid sectors of the emerging industrial hemp industry.

Mr. Cole was the inventor of the Hemp Replacement Index, a statistical model which will provide a clear road map to advancing hemp markets by ranking and sorting replacement product utilizing value added material derived from hemp.

We intend to maintain and grow our selling programs in the CBD sector as we have incredible traction and experience in that space.

Additionally, we are also targeting four distinct divisions within the non-cannabiniod sectors which include Green Building, Packaging and Paper, Food & Beverages; and eventually even Fiber markets as they begin to rebound due to hemp replacement of cotton.

According to Cole, “The US cotton crop uses 25 percent of all pesticides used in US agriculture, so cotton replacement has a very high HRI and therefore is very likely to be successful if targeted for product developers who utilize large amounts of cotton.”