D-8 is Great!


D-8 is Great!

D-8 is the hottest new cannabinoid on the market today.  Here are some things you may not know.
While D-8 is naturally occurring in all cannabis plants (yes, hemp is cannabis), it is typically processed by converting CBD isolate.
We have secured through prominent, verified and vetted labs, a steady stream of isolate for conversion and we help connect producers with buyers.

Prices are beginning to rise again for this convertible material, yet consumer prices remain affordable.

Expect an additional lift as new minor cannabinoids enter the space. 
We can provide some price protections and volume discounts for processors.

Product makers get our help holding COGS to keep their clients, while we help ensure only the highest quality D-8 enters the market for consumers, who can actually buy direct for things like these  D-8 gummies found here: https://thcgummies.com/cloud-8-delta-8-gummies/

Excellent prices and the purity you need for a maximum-efficiency conversion and excellent consumer experience.

This is critical for health and safety, not just margin.

Need terps or minors for infusion?  We have you covered.

If you need D-8 flower wholesale or direct-to-consumer D-8 products, reach out today – we’ve got you covered.