2019 Hemp Farmer Survey Key Lessons Learned

2019 Hemp Farmer Survey Key Lessons Learned

Photo By Matt Barton University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

“Repost from Critical Extract”

  1. Secure sales contracts before planting(13.4% had pre-sale contracts).
  2. Buy and plant high quality (high CBD/low THC), feminized seeds (70.7% planted improved genetic seeds; 75.2% planted feminized seeds).
  3. Grow and cultivate cost-effectively (17.7% reported performing mechanical planting and weeding).
  4. Use fertilizers and pesticides (16.8% reported using some combination of fertilizers and herbicides).
  5. Test your crop early and often (weekly) to avoid high THC (9.3% reported non-compliant THC levels).
  6. Cut your hemp – but don’t combine it(farmers who used combines or similar harvesting machines experienced crop CBD% down to 2-4% making it unsellable).
  7. Dry your hemp: If you’re located in a dry climate, let your hemp dry in the field (2.5% field dried).  If you’re located in a damp climate, hang dry your hemp in a barn (74.2% barn dried) or buck/shuck the hemp wet and take it to a contract dryer in your area, if there is one.
  8. Separate the biomass from the stalk – don’t combine it (71.2% hand bucked). Those who combined or mechanically ground their hemp (without separating the stalk) lowered the CBD% below the point where processors would purchase it.
  9. Sell your biomass (16.8% sold most of crop; 11.2% average CBD content)

Critical Extract